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Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin est maître de conférences à l’IUT de Lorient, Université de Bretagne-Sud depuis 2011. Il effectue ses r echerches au laboratoire Lab-STICC, dans l’équipe MOCS (Méthodes et Outils Circuits Systèmes). Il a obtenu son doctorat en informatique de l’Université de Rennes 1 en 2010. Ses thèmes de recherche incluent les architectures matérielles (processeurs, many-core, CGRA, accélérateurs) ainsi que les méthodes et outils pour la conception de systèmes embarqués, les algorithmes de déploiement d’applications sur plate-formes parallèles, et les méthodes de compilation pour architectures spécialisées.



Ludovic Henrio
Ludovic Henrio is a research associate at CNRS and a member of the CASH team of the LIP laboratory (ENS Lyon). He received his PhD degree from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in 2003 and his habilitation thesis from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in 2012. Ludovic Henrio was the scientific leader of the SCALE project at I3S (Sophia-Antipolis) and joined the LIP laboratory and the CASH team in October 2018. His research interests mostly focus on the formal study of programming languages for concurrent and distributed systems, and on the application of formal methods to the verification of parallel applications and systems. In particular he worked on the theory of programming languages for futures, distributed objects, and components, but also on the application of formal methods to the static verification of distributed systems. He has experience in the semantics of programming languages and its use to assert the correctness of static analyses and runtime optimizations. He (co-)supervised 11 PhD students.
Read more about Ludovic Henrio



The CLAP GT is also led by Emmanuelle Saillard and Frederic Dabrowski

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